Different types of moving svg text

1. Last result from prvious investigation

Looks awful in ff. Lets try to rotate it allitle.

See the Pen ff bezier curve by ilya (@ilyabasiuk) on CodePen.

2. transform="rotate(0.01)

Text stopped wobble, but looks strange. But seems that firefox has problems with displaing this font on bezier curve. Lets try to change font from Arial to default, or delete textPath.

See the Pen ff bezier curve rotated by ilya (@ilyabasiuk) on CodePen.

3. Default font family

Text looks more straigth.

4. Deleted text path

Looks better than previous. It is time to check it in Chrome again. It looks a little worth than at 1-st demo, but still seems to be ok. Let's check it in ie.

5. raf animation

Looks enough good in ie too.